Care 4 Me, Inc
Care 4 Me, Inc
Care 4 Me, Inc. is operated as a private, not for profit corporation. It is managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of state employees, and parents of children in the Center,
in conjunction with the center's Director.
The Center is part of a statewide network of child care centers.
Our priority is to serve the children and grandchildren of New York State Employees.
Children of parents who are New York State employees receive priority over the outside community who will then be considered on a space available basis.
Children are eligible for enrollment at Care 4 Me, Inc. Child Care Center regardless of sex, race, religion, handicap, or national origin.
The staff at Care 4 Me, Inc. Child Care Center recognize that each child is a very unique individual and is dedicated to providing a socially, emotionally, intellectually, physically, and culturally stimulating environment. The goals are to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving environment and to encourage each child to develop positive self-esteem, independence, and self-motivation.
A partnership with the family and the Center is of great importance to each child. Open communication between parent and staff is essential in providing knowledge of each child’s growth and well-being on a day to day basis. This will enable the staff to meet each individual child’s needs.
Care 4 Me welcomes parent involvement whether it’s participating on field trips, becoming a part of classroom activities, or sharing their culture with the Center.
Parents are also encouraged to visit the Center whenever their schedules will allow.
Our quality child care will involve professional staff who desire to work with young children. Our staff members will encourage educational growth through classroom participation and outdoor activities.
We believe children should enjoy learning skills in a fun, sensitive, and entertaining environment.